Friday, March 12, 2010

Tough Battle

This week during my game play I found myself struggling at a particular battle. In order to move on in the game I needed to beat the enemy and succeed in this battle. I tried many times, using different techniques each time, and with each new attempt I got closer and closer to winning. This shows that each time I retried the battle I was learning from my previous mistakes and correcting them in order to improve my techniques the next time. Also, something internally was motivating me to, even though I had failed several times, continue to go back to the same battle and try again, until I finally succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. Becky,

    You gave to classic examples of important learning principals, the gap theory and choice. Video games have become more and more advanced int he ways that players can customize their games and games naturally make people want to finish. These are two important contributions that games can aid in education. Keep you keen eye on the look out for any other key ideas of learning you pick up in you game.
